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Scholarly Interest Report
C. J. Bolech
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor in Physics and Astronomy
  • B.S. (1996) Inst. Balseiro
  • M.S. (2000) Rutgers Univ.
  • Ph.D. & M.Phil. (2002) Rutgers Univ.
Primary Department
   Department of Physics and Astronomy
Department Affiliations
  • Rice Quantum Institute
  • Smalley Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology
     Spring'09 teaching: PHYS 412
     arXiv'ed Publications
    Research Areas
     Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics (strongly correlated electrons, quantum field theory, integrable systems, heavy fermions, superconductivity, non-equilibrium transport, mesoscopic systems, ultracold atomic gases, disordered elastic systems).
    Main interests
     Prof. Bolech works in the area of theoretical condensed matter and his interests span several aspects of statistical and solid state physics. A large portion of his recent research involves complex quantum impurity models and their connections with correlated lattice systems and mesoscopic systems at the nanometer scale. Quantum impurities are one of the current paradigms of strongly correlated systems. In turn, dealing with strong interactions is one of the main theoretical challenges of present-day frontier problems not only in condensed-matter physics but also in atomic, nuclear and particle physics. Within condensed-matter physics, strong correlations are to be found in numerous systems such as heavy fermions, high-temperature superconductors, organic conductors, or quantum wires and dots; to name just a few. Bolech's work combines different computational and field-theoretic non-perturbative approaches to problems like the optical response of Mott insulators, the interplay of mixed valence and multi-channel Kondo physics in heavy fermions and quantum dots, and tunneling transport in unconventional superconductors.
    Selected Publications
     Refereed articles

    A. Iucci and C. J. Bolech "Bosonization Approach to the Mixed-valence Two-channel Kondo Problem." Phys. Rev. B, 77 (2008) : 195113.


    C. J. Bolech and E. Demler "Observing Majorana Bound States in p-wave Superconductors Using Noise Measurements in Tunneling Experiments." Phys. Rev. Lett., 98 (2007) : 237002.


    J. Dai, Q. M. Si and C. J. Bolech "The Bose-Fermi Kondo Model with a Singular Dissipative Spectrum: Exact Solutions and their Implications." arXiv:0712.3280Submitted


    P. Kakashvili and C. J. Bolech "Time-loop Formalism for Irreversible Quantum Problems: Steady-state Transport in Junctions with Asymmetric Dynamics." Phys. Rev. B, 78 (2008) : 33103.


    P. Kakashvili, S. G. Bhongale, H. Pu and C. J. Bolech "Signatures of Strong Correlations in One-dimensional Ultra-cold Atomic Fermi Gases." Phys. Rev. A, 78 (2008) : 041602(R).

     Refereed conference papers

    C. J. Bolech and E. Demler "Shot-Noise Fano Factor as a Probe of Majorana Localized States in p-wave Superconductors." Physica B, 403 (2008) : 994.


    J. Dai, C. J. Bolech and Q. M. Si "The Bose-Fermi Kondo Model in an Exactly Solvable Limit." Physica B, 403 (2008) : 1242.


    P. Kakashvili, S. G. Bhongale, H. Pu and C. J. Bolech "Realizing Luttinger liquids in trapped ultra-cold atomic Fermi gases using 2D optical lattices." Physica B (2009) In Press

     Invited Talks

    "Noisy Majorana Bound States and p-wave Superconductors." 2006 Hangzhou Workshop on Quantum Matter, Zhejiang University, China. (October 16th - 19th, 2006)


    "Refermionizing a Mixed-valence Quantum Impurity Model." International Workshop and Seminar on "New Frontiers in Quantum Impurity Physics: From Nano-Structures to Molecular Devices", Dresden, Germany. (August 13th - 24th, 2007)


    "Strongly Correlated Atomic Systems?." Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Material Simulation using Ultracold Atomic Gases", Houston, Texas. (September 15th, 2006)


    "The Attractive 1d Fermi Gas: Paired States and Dimensional Crossover." DARPA gBECi and OLE/MURI Review Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. (December 15th -18th, 2008)


    "Tunneling in low-dimensional organic superconductors." International Symposium on Molecular Conductors ISMC'05, Hayama, Japan. (July 17th - 21st, 2005)


    "Capacitance lineshape in a two-channel quantum dot design." Session on Quasi-1D Transport and Quantum Dot Spectroscopy, APS March Meeting. (2005)


    "DMRG Study of the Optical Response in the Extended Hubbard Model." Focus session on Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems, APS March Meeting. (2001)


    "Derivation and study of the Fermi-Majorana bi-resonant level model." APS March Meeting. (2008)


    "Keldysh study of point-contact tunneling between superconductors." Session on Point Contact Tunnelling and Proximity Effect, APS March Meeting. (2005)


    "Kondo Physics: A tale of fixed points." Colloquium, Rice University. (Jan. 26th, 2005)


    "On the Exact Solution of the Two-channel Anderson Impurity Model." Session on One Dimensional Theory, APS March Meeting. (2002)


    "Point-contact Tunneling in Low-dimensional Unconventional Superconducting Junctions." Session on HTSC Tunneling, APS March Meeting. (2004)


    "Probing Bound States in p-wave Superconductors Using Shot Noise." APS March Meeting. (2007)


    "Shot-noise Fano Factor as a Probe of Majorana Localized States in p-wave Superconductors." International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES07, Houston, Texas. (2007)


    "Thermodynamics of the Multi-channel Anderson Impurity Model." Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties, Les Diablerets, Switzerland. (September 29th - October 1st, 2003)


    "Thermodynamics of the Two-channel Anderson Impurity Model." Focus session on Heavy-Fermions: Theory and Experiment, APS March Meeting. (2003)


    "Toulouse point of a non-fermi liquid impurity." Session on Correlated Electrons: Hall Effect and Kondo Physics, APS March Meeting. (2005)


    "Bosonization-Refermionization approach to the two-channel Anderson Model." Gordon Research Conference on Correlated Electron Systems, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA. (June 18th - 23th, 2006)


    "Critical Theory of the Two-channel Anderson Model." International Seminar on Modern Aspects of Quantum Impurity Physics, Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany. (April 2003)


    "Point-contact Tunneling in Low-dimensional Spin-triplet Superconducting Junctions." Swiss Physical Society - MaNEP Meeting, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. (March 3rd and 4th, 2004)


    "Point-contact Tunneling in Low-dimensional Unconventional Superconducting Junctions." International Workshop on "Evolution of Quantum Effects from the Nano- to the Macroscale", Cargèse, Corsica, France. (May 17th - 22nd, 2004)


    "Point-contact Tunneling in Low-dimensional Unconventional Superconducting Junctions." GDR meeting - Nouveaux états électroniques des matériaux, Aspet, France. (Juin 29th - July 2th, 2004)


    "Point-contact Tunneling in Low-dimensional Unconventional Superconducting Junctions." International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES'04, Karlsruhe, Germany. (July 26th - 30th, 2004)


    "Point-contact Tunneling in Low-dimensional Unconventional Superconducting Junctions." Gordon Research Conference on Correlated Electron Systems, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA. (June 20th - 25th, 2004)


    "Solvable point of a mixed-valent non-fermi liquid impurity." Conference on Strongly Interacting Systems at the Nanoscale, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. (August 8th - 12th, 2005)


    "Solvable point of a mixed-valent non-fermi liquid impurity." International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES'05, Vienna, Austria. (July 26th - 30th, 2005)


    "Thermodynamics of the Two-channel Anderson Impurity Model." Gordon Research Conference on Correlated Electron Systems, Colby College, Waterville, ME. (June 29th - July 3rd, 2002)

     Seminar Speaker

    "Brief Introduction to the Multi-channel Anderson Impurity Model in the Context of Uranium Heavy Fermions." Condensed Matter Forum, University of Geneva. (Dec. 12th, 2002)


    "Keldysh Study of Point-Contact Tunneling between Low-Dimensional (Organic) Superconductors." University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. (Feb. 18th, 2005)


    "Keldysh Study of Point-Contact Tunneling between Low-Dimensional (Organic) Superconductors." LASSP Theory Seminar, Cornell University. (Feb. 3rd, 2005)


    "Keldysh Study of Point-Contact Tunneling between Low-Dimensional (Organic) Superconductors." Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany. (Dec. 3rd, 2004)


    "Keldysh Study of Point-Contact Tunneling between Low-Dimensional (Organic) Superconductors." Harvard University, Cambridge MA. (Feb. 10th, 2005)


    "Keldysh Study of Point-contact Tunneling between Superconductors." Atelier of Theoretical Physics, University of Geneva. (Nov. 9th, 2004)


    "Non-Fermi Liquid Fixed Points and Quantum Impurity Models: non-perturbative approaches." Séminaire de physique théorique du Plateau: SPhT-Saclay, LPS-Orsay, LPT-Orsay, LPTMS-Orsay, CPhT-Polytechnique, France. (Jul. 1st, 2005)


    "Non-Fermi Liquid Fixed Points and the Multi-channel Anderson Model: non-perturbative approaches." University of California, Davis. (Mar. 2nd, 2005)


    "Non-linear Tunnelling Characteristics into the Bulk and Bound States of p-wave Superconductors." Special Seminar, TcSUH, University of Houston. (Mar. 23rd, 2007)


    "Non-perturbative Approaches to Quantum Impurity Models." Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany. (Aug. 4th, 2005)


    "Point-contact Tunneling involving Low-dimensional Spin-triplet Superconducting Junctions." Meeting "Fermions Fortements correles en Suisse Romande", IRRMA and EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. (Mar. 12th, 2004)


    "Solution of the Multi-channel Anderson Model." R.G. Herb Materials Physics Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Feb. 14th, 2002)


    "Solving the Multi-channel Anderson Impurity Model." Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France. (May 7th, 2004)


    "The Two-channel Anderson Model as a Model for Heavy Fermions." LASSP seminar, Cornell University. (Feb. 18th, 2002)


    "Thermodynamics of the Multi-channel Anderson Impurity Model." University of Sherbrooke, Canada. (Mar. 30th, 2004)


    "Tunnelling Current and Noise into Majorana Bound States and p-wave Superconductors." Texas A&M University, College Station TX. (Aug. 30th, 2006)

    Editorial Positions
     Editor for Special Issue, Physica B. Elsevier. (2008 - 2008)

     Editor for Special Issue, Physica B. Elsevier. (2007 - 2007)