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Scholarly Interest Report
Curtis F. Michel
Professor Emeritus
Andrew Hays Buchanan Professor Emeritus of Astrophysics
  • Ph.D. 1962 Physics, CalTech
  • B.S. 1955, Physics, CalTech
Primary Department
   Department of Physics and Astronomy
Research Statement
 Professor F. C. Michel works largely on relativistic astrophysics,
with particular emphasis on the functioning of radio pulsars. These
interests have branched into laboratory plasma physics (the behavior
of nonneutral plasmas) and elementary particle physics. The latter
work has shown the possibility of converting ordinary matter into
stable complexes with high strangeness quantum numbers. Such states
of matter are related to more familiar suggestions that stable states
of quark matter might exist.

For more information see Michel's home page

Selected Publications

F. Curtis Michel "Theory of Neutron Star Magnetospheres." : 517.


F. Curtis Michel "Relativistic Shocks."  (1999 in preparation)


F. Curtis Michel and Hui Li "Electrodynamics of Neutron Stars." Physics Reports, 318 (1999) : 227-300.


F. Curtis Michel and Jan Smith "Comment on Axisymmetric 'Pulsar' Magnetospheres." Astro. Phys. J. Letters (1999 submitted)


Jan A. Smith, F. Curtis Michel and Peter Thacker "Numerical Simulations of Aligned Neutron Star Magnetospheres." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (1999, submitted)


F. Curtis Michel "Crab Pulsar-Nebula Interactions." Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Serie of Conferencias 1997 (1997)


F. J. Eastlund, B. Miller, and F. C. Michel "Emission from closed and filled magnetospheric shells and its application to the Crab Pulsar." Astrophysical Jounal, 483 (1997) : 857.


Ian Smith, F. Curtis Michel, and Peter Thacker "Instability of the Goldreich-Julian Model for a Pulsar Magnetosphere." Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Serio of Conerenceias 1997 (1997) : 6.


"Acceleration of Plasma to Relativistic Energies." 193rd American Astron. Soc., Austin, TX. (January 7, 1999)


"Massive MHD Violation in Neutron Star Magnetospheres." AGU Fall Program, San Francisco, CA. (December 13, 1999)


"Numerical Simulations of Aligned Pulsar Magnetospheres." 193rd American Astron. Soc., Austin, TX. (January 8, 1999)


"Possible Improvements to Event Timing." AGU Fall Program, San Francisco, CA. (December 16, 1999) With With Bonnie A. Hausman


"Exteriors of Neutron Stars (Invited)." Workshop on Physical Applications olf Radio Pulsar Timing, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, CO. (May-June, 1998)


"Properties of Extreme Plasmas." 40th Annual Meeting Division of Plasma Physics, Fairmont Hotel, New Orleans, LA. (16 November 1998)


"Relativistic Jet Acceleration in the Crab Pulsar (Invited)." Trends in Astrophysics (WE-Heraeus-Seminar #199), Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, GERMANY. (24-28 August 1998)


"On Particle Acceleration." Invited talk, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. (November 1997)


"Pulsars." Invited Talk, Physics Department, Auburn University. (May, 1997)


"Sheet Plasmas." Astronomical Unit Talk, Space Physics and Astronomy Dept., Rice Univ.. (October 1997)